Positivity Effect | weekly chats about positive thinking, gratitude & personal development/empowerment. Join the host Dr. Tom each week to talk about good vibes, improving our lives and creating a ripple effect of positivity throughout our own world. It's more important than ever today to surround yourself with messages and people who will support and uplift you to be the best you can possibly be while you live out this incredible thing we call life.

Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Total Life Freedom With Vincent Pugliese
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
Saturday Nov 14, 2020
From being a “typical rebellious and average” teen to building up the life and career he dreamed of, Vincent takes us on a deep introspective journey. You will find yourself inspired and challenged during this podcast. Through his journey, there came a moment where Vincent realized there was something more to even what his earliest dreams had imagined. Vincent shares his story of pain and failure that led him towards the path to develop time money and location freedom. The beautiful thing? You can develop these skills in life as well if you’re open to it.
CLICK HERE for a free audio copy of Vincent's best selling book, Total Life Freedom.
Official Sponsor Of The Positivity Effect: Dapper Effects
Positivity Effect Listeners Enjoy a 10% Discount On All Products By Putting In The Promo Code "Positivity" at check-out!
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave me us a message.
Another " Weekend Reset"episode of The Positivity Effect goes tomorrow on Sunday - Stay Tuned !!!

Monday Nov 09, 2020
TWR007 - Recalibrate And Refocus
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
This has been a difficult year. From COVID-19 to the shutdowns to the social and political division, it can seem so overwhelming at times. Dr. Tom shares a few thoughts this week on what he's doing to recalibrate and refocus his mind and energy so that he can show up in the best way for himself and those around him.
Official Sponsor Of The Positivity Effect: Dapper Effects
Positivity Effect Listeners Enjoy a 10% Discount On All Products By Putting In The Promo Code "Positivity" at check-out!
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave me us a message.
Another episode of The Positivity Effect goes live on Thursday - Stay Tuned !!!

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Relationships During COVID
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Looking for love during these challenging times? With COVID-19, Lockdowns and divided political views, it can feel like more difficult than ever to build new relationships. Dr. Tom and the crew discuss some of the hot button topics around relationships through a few different generational lenses. Don’t worry! There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Has the ground game changed completely? Are we living in a relationship matrix? Tune in to reflect on some of these topics as the team works through these issues to find solutions to these phenomenon we all have been affected by.
Official Sponsor Of The Positivity Effect: Dapper Effects
Positivity Effect Listeners Enjoy a 10% Discount On All Products By Putting In The Promo Code "Positivity" at check-out!
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave me us a message.
Another " Weekend Reset"episode of The Positivity Effect goes live on Sunday - Stay Tuned !!!

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
TWR006 - The Power Of Intention
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Starting something new, improving something, getting after that goal, it can certainly feel difficult at times. Especially when we feel like we are so far from the finish line. However, the journey should always be better than the end goal. How do we do that? Through the power of intention. Listen in for a quick reflection from Dr. Tom about intention and why it's so important if we are working on improving lives.
Official Sponsor Of The Positivity Effect: Dapper Effects
Positivity Effect Listeners Enjoy a 10% Discount On All Products By Putting In The Promo Code "Positivity" at check-out!
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave me us a message.
Another episode of The Positivity Effect goes live next Thursday - Stay Tuned !!!

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Popping Your Bubble With Paul Kim
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Popping Your Bubble With Paul Kim
Paul Kim of Operation Dichotomy joins Dr. Tom on the podcast to talk about life, faith, growing up as an Asian American, entrepreneurship, the concept of a dichotomy, what it means to “pop your bubble” and how important it is to deepen our ability to listen to others if we we want to move into a more loving understanding and harmonious society. Paul's mission is to bridge the gap between "you" and "me" by embracing a culture of LISTENING.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Operation Dichotomy
“With faith, there is going to be an absolute truth.”
“The relationship you have with a person sets the context for what they are about to say”
- Paul Kim
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave us a message. - Dr. Tom
Another "Weekend Reset" launches Sunday - Stay Tuned !!!

Sunday Oct 25, 2020
TWR005 - An Easy Organization Hack
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Organizing our stuff can seem overwhelming at times. We have all been in that place where things just seem to keep piling up. However, when gaining control of our "physical mess" it can have overwhelming positive outcomes. Feeling focused, ready to tackle your day, feeling aligned with your self....Who would have thought that organization can be so powerful. Dr. Tom shares one of his personal organization hacks he turns to when needing to get out of a rut.
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave me us a message.
Another episode of The Positivity Effect goes live next Thursday - Stay Tuned !!!

Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Cassandra Mendoza - Ztylez Studio - Part II
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Cassandra Mendoza - Ztylez Studio - Part II
Cassandra Mendoza (Kazz), owner and operator of Ztylez Studio barbershop in Woodside, NY is back again on the Positivity Effect to share her Good Vibez. Although it's been a difficult year, Kazz shares a great outlook on life with us on always pushing forward. We learn a little more today behind her awesome barbershop and we dive a little deeper into what makes a great barbershop and why our hair stylists are a very important part of all of our lives.
In this episode you'll hear about:
- Balancing your energy
- Why we all love our barbers and hair stylists
- The origin behind “Good Vibez Only”
- Working intentionally on your “energy-environment”
- How to connect with someone you don’t vibe with
- The lost art of real “human connection”
- Fallout from remote learning and why in-person learning is so crucial
- Should we be questioning COVID-19 restrictions?
- Thoughts on processing where life/society is at the moment
- The power of listening
- What really makes a great barbershop (or any business for that matter)
- Why we love the TikTok phenomenon Nathan Apodaca AKA Dogg Face
And so much more! :)
CLICK HERE to learn more about Kazz and Ztylez Studio
“I guess that's the cool human part, where we were all kind of in the same boat.”
“I like connecting people. Everybody’s a puzzle that belongs somewhere”
- Cassandra "Kazz" Mendoza
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave us a message. - Dr. Tom
Another "Weekend Reset" launches tomorrow - Stay Tuned !!!

Sunday Oct 18, 2020
TWR004 - How To Generate Happiness
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
Sunday Oct 18, 2020
None of us are immune to tragedy. Unfortunately it is a part of life. Many times it can be hard to find meaning in the tragedies of our lives. In this week's Weekend Reset, Dr. Tom shares his perspective on a fresh tragedy in his own life and how he has reflected these last few days on what it means to generate happiness. Dr. Tom references Andy Frisella's Real AF episode #78 "The Equation Of Happiness". Andy has been a mentor of Dr. Tom for a few years now and we encourage you to follow Andy. Listen in to Dr. Tom's perspective on Andy's equation to happiness and how he has been applying it in his own life in the last few days.
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave me us a message.
Another episode of The Positivity Effect goes live next Thursday - Stay Tuned !!!

Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Evolving Through The Ebb & Flow Of Life With Jessica Dennehy
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Evolving Through The Ebb & Flow Of Life With Jessica Dennehy
This week on the podcast, the crew is joined by Jessica Dennehy. A beautiful soul who has made her mark on Long Island through her entrepreneurial endeavors who is now impacting the greater world through the positive content and messaging that she shares. We had a great discussion about her life and there was this over arching theme of evolution in life, business, relationships and how our perception of it all matters greatly.
In this episode Dr. Tom and Mr. Mike AKA Audio Velvet chat about:
- Why positivity takes work
- Raising awareness to the energy you’re attracting and emitting
- Not holding on too tightly to wins
- Tips to fall deeply in love with your journey
- Why those who succeed at the highest level experience some of the “deepest” lows
- Jessica’s evolution of self and how she poured her energy into self development
- How the quarantine can allow for deep introspection if you allow it to
- Insight into the amazing Madmen Barbershop brand and how Jessica and her ex-husband Ed have been able to continue working together in a positive and encouraging manner
- Remaining open for possibility and opportunity
- Why our personal relationships sometimes ebb and flow
- The inception and evolution of Madmen Barbershop
- How they pushed through the pandemic shutdown
- Analyzing the perception of our routines
- The catch-22 with “big business”
And so much more! :)
“You’re never going to have a perfect time. The perfect time is whenever you have an opportunity presents itself”
“Are you in a rut or are you on a roll”
- Jessica Dennehy
CLICK HERE to check out Jessica's FREE 7-Week Yoga Course
Jessica's Instagram Handle: @Jessica_Dennehy_
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave me us a message.
Another episode of The Positivity Effect goes live next Thursday - Stay Tuned !!!

Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Managing Your Energy, Social Media And Conscious Living
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Sunday Oct 11, 2020
Managing Your Energy, Social Media And Conscious Living
Dr. Tom and Audio Velvet are back this week discussing various topics and issues facing all of us today as well as some solutions to work continue to work through this difficult year.
In this episode Dr. Tom and Mr. Mike AKA Audio Velvet chat about:
- The power of always supporting local business (especially right now)
- Taking an inventory of your inventory
- Managing how you distribute your personal energy
- Why the phrase “work smarter, not harder” has been grossly misused in society
- The difference of thinking you want success and truly wanting it in your life
- Jim Rohn’s power statement: “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”
- “Limited time” vs. “limited energy…are they the same thing?
- Defining what you want in life and confronting negative energy
- How are different generations processing the changes that occurred from the pandemic
- The incredible power in changing your physical state
- Using social media as a tool to maintain a positive lifestyle
- An alarming trend happening on social media
- Should large corporations be held to a higher standard?
- Why it’s not effective to argue with others on social media
- Being prepared for the things you can’t be prepared for
And so much more! :)
CLICK HERE to learn more about our brand Dapper Effects
We love hearing from you and how the Positivity Effect has helped you in your life. If this episode brought you value, please share it with a friend. We are open to suggestions for topics! CLICK HERE to leave me us a message.
Another episode of The Positivity Effect goes live next Thursday - Stay Tuned !!!